
TCP2003 大津由紀雄 編 ひつじ書房


大津由紀雄 編




Table of Contents
"Verbal Adjectives" as Adjectives without Phi-features
Mark C. Baker 1
How parameters are set early and the order of setting
Maria Teresa Guasti 23
Specifics of Specifiers: A case study of Negation Phrases in Korean
Duk-Ho An 59
Difference at the Boundaries: Locating Linguistic Relativity
Yarrow Dunham, Peggy Li, and Susan Carey 87
Licit and Illicit Long Subject-to-Subject Raising
Tomohiro Fujii 109
Children's Asymmetrical Responses
Andrea Gualmini, Luisa Meroni, and Stephen Crain 135
How Children Avoid Kindergarten Paths
Luisa Meroni and Stephen Crain 159
The Acquisition of Nominative-Genitive Conversion in Japanese
Motoki Nakajima 185
Eliminating Late-merge: Reexamination of Anti-reconstruction Effects
Kayono Shiobara 197
Do Parameters Have Default Values? Evidence from the Acquisition of English and Spanish
Koji Sugisaki and William Snyder 215
Small Children's Big Clauses
Graciela Tesan and Rosalind Thornton 239
Direct Object Scrambling in Adult and Child L2 Dutch
Sharon Unsworth 265
It's Still Dark Here, Flick Another Switch On: Adult L2 Interlanguage Grammars in the Middle of Parameter Resetting
Maki Yamane 291
On the Distribition and Licensing of Negative Polarity Items in Japanese and the Phase-Impenetrability Condition
Hideaki Yamashita 313
TCP 2003 Program I

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