ひつじ書房 The <I>No More A than B</I> Construction The No More A than B Construction 廣田篤(Atsushi Hirota)著

Hituzi Linguistics in English No.38

The No More A than B Construction

A Cognitive and Pragmatic Approach

廣田篤(Atsushi Hirota)著

菊判上製 定価12000円+税





本書は、No More A than B構文、特に「クジラ構文」とは何か、その本質を解明しようとするものである。その際、2つのアプローチを採用する。1つは、認知文法に基づいた構文の意味構造図の記述である。もう1つは、推論における「対偶」の関係に着目した語用論的な分析である。そうしていくつかある用法を動機づける条件を検討し、従来様々に議論されてきた構文の用法間の関係に対して原理的な説明を与える。

The aim of this book is to elucidate the essence of the no more A than B construction, especially the whale construction. To accomplish the goal, we employ two approaches: one is the description of the semantic structures of the construction based on cognitive grammar. The other is a pragmatic analysis of the construction, focusing on “contraposition” in the inferential process of trying to fully understand the meaning of the construction. In the course of the discussion, we consider what motivates the different types of the construction and provide a unified and principled account of the relation between several types of the construction, which has been explained in various ways so far.


List of figures
List of tables
List of abbreviations

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Goals of This Book
1.2 Organization of the book

Chapter 2 Relevant Literature
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Overview of Studies: Type Classification of the Whale Construction
2.3 Kashino (2012)
2.4 Hirasawa (2012)
2.5 Yagi (2015)
2.5.1 “Identified Idiom” and Comparative Construction
2.5.2 Characteristics of Comparative Construction
2.6 Honda (2017)
2.7 Uchida (2020)
2.8 Myoga (2013a, 2013b, 2014)
2.8.1 Conversational Implicature and the Whale Construction (Myoga 2013a)
2.8.2 Analogy and the Whale Construction (Myoga 2013b)
2.8.3 The Mechanism of Rhetorical Interpretation and the Whale Construction (Myoga 2014)
2.9 Summary

Chapter 3 Semantic Structure of the Whale Construction and Its Cognitive Characteristics
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Semantic and Constructional Meaning of the Whale Construction
3.3 Semantic Structure of the Whale Construction
3.3.1 Semantic Structure of Each Component Element of the Whale Construction
3.4 Semantic Structure of Each Component Element and Their Composite Structures
3.5 Semantic Structure Analysis of the No More A than B Construction: Another Whale Construction
3.5.1 Type of Construction Whose Preceding Proposition Is True
3.5.2 Type of Construction Whose Following Proposition Is True
3.6 Summary

Chapter 4 Contrapositive Interpretation of the Whale Construction and Its Constructional Typology
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Contraposition
4.2.1 Inverse and Contrapositive Interpretations
4.2.2 Pragmatic Inference and Logical Inference
4.3 Contrapositive Interpretation
4.3.1 What Is “Contrapositive Interpretation”?
4.3.2 A Metaphor of Category as a Container and “Contrapositive Interpretation”
4.3.3 Relation between the Metaphor “Category as a Container” and Categorization
4.4 Relation between Epistemic Conditionals and the Whale Construction
4.5 How and When Contrapositive Interpretation Emerges
4.6 The Possible Range of the Contrapositive Interpretation of the Whale Construction
4.6.1 Comparative Construction and “Contrapositive Interpretation”
4.6.2 Hirasawa (2012, 2014)
4.6.3 Kashino (2012)
4.6.4 Honda (2017)
4.6.5 Hirota (2018b, 2020): Marginal Instances of the No More A than B Construction
4.7 Summary

Chapter 5 Categorization and Rhetoric Reflected in the Whale Construction
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Categorization Reflected in the Whale Construction
5.3 Types of Inference and Cognitive Processes of the Whale Construction
5.3.1 Syllogism and the Whale Construction
5.3.2 Irregular Syllogism and the Whale Construction
5.3.3 Analogy and Categorization
5.4 (Dis-)Continuous Categorization
5.4.1 View of Category Reflected in “A Win Is a Win” and “A Lose Is a Lose”
5.4.2 A Range of a (Dis-)Continuous View of Category
5.5 Summary

Chapter 6 Diachronic Change of the No More A than B Construction
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Analysis and Consideration of Data from the OED (1)
6.2.1 Token Frequency of the No More A than B Construction in Different Periods and Usages
6.2.2 Ambiguous Cases of the Whale Construction
6.3 More Marginal Usages of the No More A than B Construction
6.4 Analysis and Consideration of Data from the OED (2)
6.4.1 Relation between the No Adj-er than and the No More A than B Constructions
6.4.2 With No More NP than B
6.4.3 Have No More NP than B
6.4.4 Analysis of Synchronic Data Based on the BNC and a Proposal for a Constructional Network
6.5 Summary

Chapter 7 Conclusions



廣田篤(ひろた あつし)
2022年金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科博士後期課程修了。博士(文学)。現在、金沢大学人間社会研究域客員研究員、金沢美術工芸大学、金沢学院大学非常勤講師。主な関心は認知言語学的な構文研究にあり、なかでもNo More A than B構文に関して、認知言語学、語用論、論理学の知見を基に、領域横断的に研究を進めている。



