Foreign Language Learning without Vision: Sound Perception, Speech Production, and Braille 中森誉之著 Foreign Language Learning without Vision: Sound Perception, Speech Production, and Braille 中森誉之著 Takayuki Nakamori

Foreign Language Learning without Vision: Sound Perception, Speech Production, and Braille 

中森誉之著 Takayuki Nakamori

装丁 大崎善治

菊判上製カバー装  定価8000円+税

ISBN 978-4-89476-828-4


About this book
The aim of this book is to answer the question “How are auditory and visual systems related to each other in foreign language processing?” The relationships between listening and reading, while paying attention to sound processing and letter processing, should be investigated thoroughly. Research on multisensory processing, i.e. auditory, visual, and tactile processing, has developed rapidly from the perspectives of brain and cognitive sciences. This book investigates how foreign language learners perceive input and produce output, with special reference to blind people who do not depend on vision.


About the author
Takayuki Nakamori is an associate professor of foreign language pedagogy at the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies at Kyoto University. He was awarded a B.Ed. in English Language Teaching from Yokohama National University, an M.A. in Linguistics from University College London, and a Ph.D. in Education from Tokyo Gakugei University.


List of Figures
List of Tables

Chapter 1 Perception of sounds: music and speech
1.1. What is sound?
1.1.1. Vibration and frequency
1.1.2. Loudness and timbre
1.2. The sound of music
1.2.1. Components of musical sounds
1.2.2. Innateness and responses to sound
1.2.3. Sound and emotions
1.2.4. Music and language
1.3. Sounds of human language
1.3.1. Human hearing system
1.3.2. Listening to a foreign language
1.3.3. Flexibility and plasticity in the auditory system

Chapter 2 Description of English sounds and learning problems
2.1. Vowels
2.1.1. High front tense vowel
2.1.2. High front lax vowel
2.1.3. Mid front lax vowel
2.1.4. Low front lax vowel
2.1.5. Low back tense vowel
2.1.6. Mid back vowel
2.1.7. Low back rounded vowel
2.1.8. High back lax vowel
2.1.9. High back tense vowel
2.1.10. Low nonrhotic central vowel
2.1.11. Mid nonrhotic lax central vowel
2.1.12. Front mid-closing diphthong
2.1.13. Central mid-closing diphthong
2.1.14. Front low-closing diphthong
2.1.15. Back low-closing diphthong
2.1.16. Fronting low-closing diphthong
2.1.17. High front centring diphthong
2.1.18. Mid front centring diphthong
2.1.19. High back centring diphthong
2.2. Consonants
2.2.1. Plosive sounds
2.2.2. Fricative and affricate sounds
2.2.3. Gliding
2.2.4. Context sensitive voicing
2.2.5. Approximant cluster reduction
2.2.6. s cluster reduction

Chapter 3 Production of speech: articulatory control
3.1. Voice function
3.1.1. Voice production
3.1.2. Voice and individuals
3.2. From perception to production
3.3. Intelligibility of speech signals
3.4. Articulatory and phonological treatment
3.4.1. Necessity for speech learning
3.4.2. Sound discrimination
and articulatory skills
3.5. Phonological encoding and monitoring

Chapter 4 Vision, space representation, and tactile sensation
4.1. Visual perception
4.1.1. Lightness and brightness
4.1.2. Distance and depth
4.1.3. Objects, faces and motion
4.2. Visual and spatial mental representations
4.3. Spatial cognition in the blind
4.4. Integration of acoustic and optic cues
4.4.1. Vision over audition
and audio-visual integration
4.4.2. Talking faces: look and imitate
4.4.3. Identifying location
4.4.4. Detecting and decoding emotional stimuli

Chapter 5 Learning of Braille: reading by touch
5.1. Phonological awareness and English spelling
5.1.1. Literacy and phonological awareness
5.1.2. Complexity of spelling rules
5.2. Processing of Braille
5.2.1. Guiding principles
5.2.2. Contractions
5.2.3. Transfer
5.3. Writing/producing Braille
5.4. Cross-modal plasticity
5.5. Perceptual limitations and aging

Chapter 6 Cognitive and linguistic characteristics
6.1. Concepts and mental representations
6.1.1. What are concepts?
6.1.2. Core cognition and representations
6.1.3. Explicit knowledge and representations
6.2. Acquisition of concepts
6.2.1. Overview of cognitive development of the blind
6.2.2. Overview of linguistic development of the blind
6.3. Input systems and language processing
6.3.1. Auditory, visual and tactile sensations
6.3.2. Formulaic sequences for accurate and fluent processing
6.3.3. Frequency effects in language learning and processing

Chapter 7 Phonological chunking and foreign language learning Introduction
7.1. Principles of teaching
7.1.1. Position
7.1.2. Presentation
7.1.3. Experience
7.1.4. Expectations
7.1.5. Giving information
7.1.6. Speed
7.2. Listening skills
7.3. Phonological chunking and communication skills
7.4. Tactile skills

Chapter 8 Teachers' voices from blind schools in Japan
8.1. Background
8.2. Teaching reading skills by touch
8.2.1. On the confusion of Japanese and English Braille systems
8.2.2. How to handle unknown words in a text
8.2.3. Sound-letter relationships and Braille
8.2.4. How to check students' ability of Braille reading
8.3. Teaching listening skills
8.3.1. Use of audio programmes in the classroom
8.3.2. Listening to passages or conversations with several paragraphs
8.3.3. Braille and listening
8.3.4. Time for listening activities
8.3.5. Homework
8.3.6. Students' reactions to listening activities
8.4. Teaching speaking skills
8.4.1. Teachers' attitudes toward speaking skills
8.4.2. Providing a proper balance of the four language skills
8.4.3. Necessity of providing speaking instruction
8.4.4. Opportunities to interact with native speakers of English
8.5. Issues in foreign language teaching at blind schools
8.5.1. On spelling and Braille
8.5.2. On listening and speaking skills
8.5.3. On teaching blind children English
8.5.4. Teacher's roles
8.5.5. Final comments

Concluding Remarks


中森誉之(なかもり たかゆき)

〈主要著書〉Chunking and Instruction: The Place of Sounds, Lexis, and Grammar in English Language Teaching(2009ひつじ書房)、『学びのための英語学習理論』(2009ひつじ書房)、『学びのための英語指導理論』(2010ひつじ書房)、『外国語はどこに記憶されるのか』(2013開拓社)、『外国語音声の認知メカニズム』(2016開拓社)



