Metaphor of Emotions in English   大森文子 著 Metaphor of Emotions in English   大森文子 著

Hituzi Linguistics in English No.24

Metaphor of Emotions in English

With Special Reference to the Natural World and the Animal Kingdom as Their Source Domains

大森文子 著 Ayako Omori

菊判上製 218頁 定価9,500円+税

ISBN 978-4-89476-740-9

ブックデザイン 白井敬尚形成事務所





Introduction: Looking into the Human Mind
0.1 Development of metaphor studies   
0.2 Cognitive metaphor theory and natural language data  
0.3 The aim and the framework of the present study   

chapter I Water Metaphors in English Poetry
1.1 Introduction  
1.2 The driving force for poetic metaphor   
1.3 Similarity revisited: a brief overview of traditional theories on metaphor  
1.4 The flow of thoughts: a conceptual metaphor for understanding mental activities  
1.4.1 Sluggishness of mind is stagnant water  
1.4.2 Active thought is running water  
1.4.3 Passionate thought is surging waves  
1.4.4 Lingering thought is ebb and flow of the tide  
1.4.5 Introverted passion is a whirl  
1.4.6 Abundant manifestation of thought is overflowing water  
1.5 Conclusion  

chapter II Emotion and Four Elements
2.1 Introduction  
2.2 Kövecses’ (1990, 2000) view of prevalent metaphors of emotion and the emotion prototype  
2.3 A corpus study of emotion concepts  
2.3.1 Queries to the fluid in a container metaphor and the emotion prototype   
2.3.2 Intuition vs. corpus data  
2.3.3 Metaphorical expressions for the uncontrollability of emotion  
2.3.4 A cognitive model and its theoretical implications  
2.3.5 “Temperature” of emotion  
2.4 Attributes of emotion prototype and prototypical emotions  
2.5 Conclusion  

chapter III Conventional Metaphors for Antonymous Emotion Concepts
3.1 Introduction  
3.2 Retrieving metaphors for emotions from the corpus  
3.3 Pleasure and sadness  
3.3.1 The antonymous relationships between pleasure and sadness  
3.3.2 The search   results
3.3.3 Commonalities and disparities between pleasure and sadness  
3.4 Hope, fear, and despair  
3.4.1 The hope-fear relationships and hope-despair relationships  
3.4.2 The search results  
3.4.3 Commonalities and disparities among hope, fear and despair  
3.4.4 The distinctive traits of hope, fear and despair  
3.4.5 Synonymous relationships between fear and despair  
3.5 Conclusion  

chapter IV Emotions and Animal Metaphors
4.1 Introduction  
4.2 Animal idioms for emotions  
4.2.1 Meaning of idioms and conceptual metaphors  
4.2.2 Idioms including animal terms for emotions  
4.3 Animal metaphors in poetry  
4.3.1 Sommer and Weiss (1996)  
4.3.2 Fear and hope in the OED  
4.3.3 Traditional metaphors of fear in the OED  
4.3.4 Metaphoric coherence in texts  
4.4 Conclusion  

chapter V Bestiality and Humanity through Animal Metaphors
5.1 Introduction  
5.2 Generic terms for the animal and their metaphoric meanings  
5.3 Specific terms for animals and their metaphoric meanings  
5.4 Metaphors evoking animal behaviors  
5.5 Conclusion  

chapter VI Case Study: Lucifer’s Metamorphosis in Milton’s Paradise Lost
6.1 Introduction  
6.2 The change of Satan’s figure and his acts  
6.3 Conceptual metaphors related to the changes of Satan’s figure  
6.3.1 Phase 1: Satan’s rebellion against God  
6.3.2 Phase 2: Satan’s agony in Hell and plot to revenge on God  
6.3.3 Phase 3: Satan’s escape from Hell and flight to the new world  
6.3.4 Phase 4: Satan’s arrival on the earth  
6.3.5 Phase 5: Satan’s invasion upon Paradise and unsuccessful approach to Eve  
6.3.6 Phase 6: Satan’s temptation accomplished  
6.3.7 Phase 7: Satan’s return to Hell and divine punishment inflicted upon him  
6.4 Metaphor and Satan’s emotion  
6.4.1 Satan’s awareness of falling down and his anguish (1)  
6.4.2 Satan’s awareness of falling down and his anguish (2)  
6.4.3 Satan wandering between good and evil  
6.5 The power of Milton’s rhetoric  

Conclusion: Entering in at the Strait Gate


【著者略歴】大森文子(おおもり あやこ)

Ayako Omori was born in Osaka,
Japan. She received a Ph.D.
degree from Osaka University, Japan
in . Ayako was an assistant
professor in the Graduate School of
Letters, Osaka University, and is
currently an associate professor
in the Graduate School of Language
and Culture, Osaka University.



