ひつじ書房 Word Accent in Japanese and English: What Are the Differences? 杉藤美代子著 増田斐那子訳 ドナ・エリクソン監修 Word Accent in Japanese and English: What Are the Differences? 杉藤美代子著 増田斐那子訳 ドナ・エリクソン監修

Word Accent in Japanese and English

What Are the Differences?

杉藤美代子著 増田斐那子訳 ドナ・エリクソン監修

Author: Miyoko Sugito Translator: Hinako Masuda Supervisor: Donna Erickson

菊判並製 192頁 定価2,200円+税

ISBN 978-4-89476-720-1


日本語は高さアクセント、英語は強さアクセントと言われてきたが、本当にそうなのか、両者はいったいどこがどう違うのか。筆者は研究の過程で、日本語(特に関西アクセント)と英語のアクセントには思いがけない類似点があることを見出した。本書はアクセントに関する入門書であり、多くの疑問点への回答書でもあります。ぜひご一読ください。『日本語のアクセント、英語のアクセント』(2012 ひつじ書房)の英語版。


Acknowledgement and Biography
Overall comment by the supervisor
Overall comment by the translator
Comments on Chapter 1
Comments on Chapter 4
INTRODUCTION: “Sound waves” from SONY

CHAPTER 1: What does it mean to ‘speak’?
1–1 What is ‘accent’?
1–2 How do human beings speak?
1–3 How human beings came to speak
1–4 How are vowels and consonants made?

CHAPTER 2: Rhythm of Japanese and English
2–1 Rhythm of Japanese
2–2 Rhythm of English

CHAPTER 3: “Sound” and “voice” in Japanese and English
3–1 Mobile phones and the Japanese syllabary
3–2 The value of the Japanese syllabary
3–3 The system of Japanese syllabary
3–4 Japanese accent and its symbols
3–5 English sounds and the alphabet
3–6 Features of English accent and its symbols

CHAPTER 4: History of accent and the traditional way of thinking
4–1 Dialectal accent in Japanese and its history
4–2 Observing sound waves
4–3 How accent was apprehended
4–4 Difference between “hanakago (flower basket)” and “hana kago (flower and basket)”
4–5 Brief history of English accent

CHAPTER 5: “Late fall” and “accent on voiceless mora”
5–1 “Japanese has a pitch accent” —— is this really true?
5–2 What is “late fall”? —— Is intensity a factor?
5–3 What does “accent on a voiceless mora” mean?
5–4 The cause of “late fall”
5–5 What is an accent with a falling pitch?
5–6 The unexpected discovery!

CHAPTER 6: How do English native speakers perceive Japanese accent?
6–1 Experiment on how English native speakers perceive Japanese accent
6–2 Features of English accent
6–3 The nature of Japanese and English accents
6–4 Duration and pitch of syllables
6–5 How would you interpret English accent?

CHAPTER 7: Perception of accent: it is determined by pitch, not intensity!
7–1 Discovering the mystery of “late fall” —— its synthesized sounds
7–2 40 synthesized “ame” based on an accent production model
7–3 pérmit – permít as produced by the accent production model
7–4 Perceptual experiment with no-accent type speakers in six cities

CHAPTER 8: Accent commands from the brain—— electromyography
8–1 What is electromyography?
8–2 Muscle activity features recorded from electromyography when speaking with Kansai dialect
8–3 How about ‘electromyography’ when speaking in English?
8–4 EMG productions of [a] and [i] are different
8–5 The reason I wanted English ‘electromyography’

CHAPTER 9: Observing the ‘accent command’ from the brain
9–1 Combination of ‘mora sound’ and ‘voice pitch’
9–2 The answer to the puzzle —— matching the timing of ‘sound of the mora’ to the ‘voice pitch’
9–3 I got it! —— Both Japanese and English have pitch accents!

CHAPTER 10: What is the diff erence between English and Japanese accent?
10–1 English and Japanese accent, and the characteristics of narration
10–2 Comparison of Japanese and English narrations
10–3 Which words are emphasized?
10–4 Which parts should have a high pitch?
10–5 Variations of ‘two bags’ by 18 English and Japanese speakers
10–6 ‘Momotaro’ by Japanese and English speakers ——What are the differences?
10–7 Intonation pattern of the reading
10–8 Fundamental differences of English and Japanese speakers’ ‘English accent’
10–9 Application to English pronunciation teaching


Column 1: What is “vowel devoicing”?
Column 2: Example of an accented devoiced mora
Column 3: Accent in the people in dramas – Kansai accent and Heian era accent
Column 4: Accent of Totsukawamura
Column 5: Accent and intonation
Column 6: Accent of “sankakkei (triangle)”
Column 7: Kansai accent of “Ame (rain)” with a falling pitch
Column 8: A gift from a child with golden hair

杉藤美代子(すぎとう みよこ)
東京都出身。1941年、東京女子高等師範学校(現、お茶の水女子大学)文科卒業。京都大学文学部言語学科故泉井久之助教授の指導を受ける。文学博士(東京大学)。 元大阪樟蔭女子大学名誉教授。元日本音声学会会長。2012年2月、没。



